This place is your go-to resource for unraveling the power of the kinesiology test. Discover the ins and outs of kinesiology tests, and let’s delve into their simplicity and effectiveness. Learn how it can help you identify your limiting and/or hidden beliefs, contributing to crafting a more empowered and intentional life.

Introduction to SWAY test
Kinesiology test that make your answers more than obvious
Through kinesiology, we tap into the body’s wisdom, using muscle responses as a guide to uncover hidden insights and address underlying issues.
The Human Compass® it’s very easy to perform and help delving into the emotional terrain associated with negative beliefs and experiences.
If you have concerns about your knees or know that you cannot perform this activity, please inform me and familiarize yourself with other types of muscle tests (videos below). I will gladly provide you with an alternative variation that suits your needs and ensures a comfortable and safe experience for you. Your well-being is a priority, and I am here to support you in adapting the practices to accommodate your individual circumstances. Additionally, please bring a pendulum or a necklace with a pendant to the session.
Instruction to SWEY TEST alternatives:
The Human Compass is an easy and straightforward test that provides clear answers to your questions. However, it’s not the only way to muscle test. If you have problems with your knees or know you cannot perform that activity, please familiarize yourself with the alternatives provided below. There are other effective methods that can be tailored to accommodate your specific needs, ensuring your active participation in the session. Feel free to explore alternatives to find what works best for you.
Instruction to SWAY TEST alternatives:
Pendulum Kinesiology Test
The pendulum, suspended from a fixed point, responds to the user’s questions by exhibiting specific movements, providing immediate feedback and serving as a valuable tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and holistic well-being. This non-invasive and portable method offers a unique way to explore and understand the intricate connection between the mind and body.