Make Your HEAD a nice place to BE…
PROGRESS ACTIVATOR helps You to recode your subconscious mind from fearful, anxious, financially stuck and overwhelmed to calm and capable of doing everything with courage, unshakable Inner power and self-worth
PROGRESS ACTIVATOR is a one pit stop place where you build the bridge to all your desires!

In the sophisticated dance of our lives, every experience, no matter how seemingly insignificant or overwhelmingly soul crushing carries a hidden script penned by our subconscious mind.
Picture this: Your subconscious is not necessarily in the business of making you perpetually happy or fabulously rich; its primary mission is survival.
Survival mechanisms are woven into the very core of our beliefs, often forged in the evolution of life events, big or small. Yet, Everything we believe has the power to shape our reality because it runs how we feel in response to outside world, and based on feelings humans steer their thoughts and then their actions.
Our beliefs are formed from various instances in our lives, most of them in early childhood. Then stayed there never to been actualized.
Your life is running on the beliefs created by thought process, capacities and interpretation of a few year old child. The same as lives of most people around you. It’s nothing to be hold against you. Just curtail to realize becasue it explains so much, doesn’t it?

Beliefs dictate our actions and those actions create our reality.
When we add on top of that, hot topic as trauma, we create movie scenario worth of Netflix. Just grab popcorn and “enjoy”.
Trauma is created not always by a thunderstorm but sometimes by a quiet rain. In unexpected ways, this imprints our subconscious, scripting beliefs that dictate our responses to the world.
Sure, let’s put it in a more conversational way:
You know how sometimes life experiences shape our beliefs and behaviors? Let’s take a few examples:
- Imagine growing up with parents who were super strict about grades and mistakes. This could lead someone to believe they always have to be perfect.
Sounds exhausting, right?
As adults, they might find themselves constantly checking and rechecking their work, afraid to make even the smallest mistake. They might avoid taking on new challenges for fear of not being able to do it perfectly. In relationships, they might have unrealistic expectations of their partners, leading to unnecessary conflicts. - Or think about someone who was bullied or abused as a child. They might subconsciously feel safer when they are “bigger”, yet subconcious takes words and wishes laterally and bigger can mean height and at a higher weight.
Making it really tough for them to lose weight even when they want to. As adults, they might not care about if they eat healthy and nutritious, or just dining in fast-food restaurants becasue “they really like it”, self-sabotaging – rewarding a week on the diet with two pizzas on the weekend. They may avoid social situations where they feel their body might be judged. Their self worth and confidence is very low. This can impact their personal relationships and limit their career opportunities. They might also avoid jobs or activities that require physical exertion, missing out on experiences they might otherwise enjoy. Becasue they are unsecure they may struggle asking for pay raise or being in the center of attention. - Who hasn’t reached for a sweet treat when feeling down? But where does that come from? Everything has a reason and a role in someone’s life. Who remembers your Granny (aunty or other family member) giving them cookies or other yummie things when they were sick, sad or struggling with something? Hands up! It was like a band-aid for the soul! The problem is, it’s only a “temporary fix” that can lead to more problems and negative feelings later on.
If the adults in someone’s life were giving them food when they were emotional, to help them “feel better”, this could result in them reaching for unhealthy snacks when they’re stressed or upset as an adult. This can lead to health issues like obesity or diabetes. Emotional eating can also affect their self-esteem and body image, their relationship with themselves, and cause problems in their personal and professional lives. - And let’s not forget about those who only got attention when they were sick. They might subconsciously believe they’re only worthy of care when they’re not well, which can manifest as chronic illnesses. As adults, they might find themselves frequently falling ill or feeling unwell, affecting their body, dreams, goals, work performance and personal relationships. They might also have a hard time asking for help or support when they’re not physically ill, unwell, overly tired, feeling like they don’t deserve care unless they’re sick.
It’s fascinating, isn’t it? How our beliefs can shape our lives in such profound ways. It’s like we’re living out stories that were written for us in our childhood. But the good news is, it’s never too late to rewrite those stories and create a life that truly resonates with who we are.
Understanding that every quirk in our behavior, every hurdle, serves a purpose—survival—is the key to unraveling the tanglement of our beliefs. It’s a fascinating journey, where our subconscious is the storyteller, and decoding its language holds the key to transforming the narrative of our lives.
What I can help you with
Are you craving better, happier more fulfilling life? Through hypnotherapy and other subconcious reprogramming methods you can change almost everything in your life. From the way you deal with stress to how you see yourself, even instantly coding in your affirmations. I’ve got the tools to make things better. Let’s cut through the noise and get straight to creating a life that feels good for you. Ready to make the change?
You can address it all:
- anxiety
- Building Inner Sanctuary: Unshakeable Safety
Boundaries Built: Standing Up, Respecting Yourself, and Speaking Your TruthWithin
- People Pleasing
- Weak or no boundaries
- Lifing other’s people life
- Not following your dreams, passions and heart’s desires
- Ready to redefine your relationship with yourself? Are you tired of constantly facing those pesky anxieties and fears? Join me on a journey of unlocking your authentic expression and finding the courage to be you. Let’s create a life that’s true to your core.
- Rewiring Your Approach to Food and Exercise:
- Struggling with motivation for a healthier lifestyle? Are you navigating a maze of never-ending troubles and discomforts, especially in your relationship with food and exercise? It’s not just about exercise and food; it’s about rewiring your relationship from the inside out. Let’s embark on a wellness journey that begins within.
- Wellness Revitalized
- Conquering Health Struggles, Allergies, and Injuries
- anxieties and fears tied to a lack of assertiveness
not knowing/respecting your worth - no courage to speak your truth

- Are you constantly facing those pesky anxieties and fears tied to self-worth struggles? It’s time to unravel and transform. Discover the power within and let’s tackle everything from relationships to career with newfound confidence.
- Feeling like you’re navigating a maze of never-ending troubles and discomforts? Let’s build an inner sanctuary of unwavering safety. It’s time to find solace within and cultivate a haven that stands strong against life’s challenges.
- redefine your relationship with money, career, and business for lasting success.
Are you constantly facing those pesky anxieties and fears related to your finances? It’s time for a money, career, and business makeover. Let’s break through the barriers and redefine your financial narrative for success.
- Gain clarity and redefine your inner power to manifest your desires with confidence.
- Crack the code to affirmations by literaly coding them in idirectly!
- Get rid of constant intrusive thoughts and difficult feelings
Eliminate self-doubt and sabotage - Overcoming the Barriers to Your Imagination
- reconnecting with yourself, and your purpose
- Feeling stuck in life’s rut? Unveil your purpose and break free from stagnation. Are you constantly facing those pesky anxieties and fears that hinder intentional living? Let’s navigate with intention and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires.
- reconnecting with yourself, and your purpose
- Navigate communication and connections with grace and authenticity.
… Ever pondered how your beliefs and subconscious mind could be intertwined in this scenario?
The root cause is very individual case but Here are some examples of how beliefs learned in childhood can impact our lives:
Hypnotherapy and subconscious reprogramming of beliefs are techniques that aim to alter the brain’s neural pathways and rewire the brain to create new patterns of thought and behavior for your benefit and natural, effortless change. By identifying and addressing the root cause of your beliefs, we can begin to create new, positive patterns of thought and behavior, that are align with your goals and desires.

Who progress actdivator is for?
Who PROGRESS ACTIVATOR is for? Everyone who are ready to show up for yourself. Want to make a difference for yourself.
No matter who you are and where you are in life, changing beliefs will push you way further and faster.
I am your guide, but you are doing heavy lifting love!
What is here for you
Time to unwind, relax and choose the goals you want to achieve because you will get there way sooner than you think. If you want.
Allow yourself space to learn trust in your self, Your worth and stand in unwavering Inner Power.
Beliefs Unleashed
Embark on a journey of profound change as we unleash the power of your beliefs and the subconscious. Importantly, as you step into this transformative process, recognize its boundless nature.
You can address almost any life issue, as we delve beneath the surface of logic and challenges, uncovering where there are really comming from.
Because beneath the surface of countless smaller and big challenges, the roots are intricately woven into the realms of beliefs and the subconscious.
PROGRESS ACTIVATOR s a one pit stop where you build the bridge to all your desires!
Tailored to You
You, with your unique past and story, deserve an equally unique approach. At Progress Activator, I don’t focus on a one-size-fits-all technique. Instead, I tailor my methods to suit your specific needs, ensuring a personalized journey towards your goals. Your transformation unfolds at your pace, in the way that resonates best with you.
Results That Speak
Results matter, so me and you will be tracking your progress. I use different methods to allow you to get on top observing your progress according to the topic and tasks you will commit yourself on session.
It will be fun! Who do not like to see results?
We will celebrate each and every step toward your Goals, empowerment and liberation on your healing journey: mental, emotional, and phonical.
Book your free Success call
It’s 15min space where we can talk, get to know each other. See if we are good match to work with each other.
Important to know, it is not a session. But you can ask your questions and let’s see how I can help you
Ask your self a question:
Do I really choose to continue Live my life based on the story built by my past and trauma, or I choose to grab the pen to ink a story that speaks my undeniable Truth? … and feels great
Everyone has wounds, that was not up to you, but It’s your choice what you will do with them now. Will you allow them to create who you are now and who you become? or
You will choose yourself, build your self worth and stop giving away your Inner Power
How? SIMPLE! Stop holding onto your limiting beliefs, and change your thoughts.
It’s simple, yet not exactly easy, because how to do that? Methods of my choice are based on working with subconcious using neuroplasticity to our advantage. For me it is fastest, most reliable tool that provide fast and lasting results.
Imagine where you are today with your life, all your successes, all failures, amazing moments and those that you would rather not revisit… See yourself, as You’ve pushed and grinded here to this time and place, wherever you are siting or standing now, reading this sentence – all this time carrying 120kg backpack called past limitations and beliefs. And each year weight of it, is heavier and heavier. How long you can keep going like that? When it will change?
When you will decide it and show up for yourself, doing the work. Not just wishfully complaining that It would be lovely if things were to change. Surely it would be lovely. So change it!
Work with me
My Offers
code in your upgrade
This isn’t your usual ride; it’s an invite to rapid, impactful work, crafted to elevate your journey in ways you never thought possible. Welcome to a space where quick, profound evolution is daily thing—it happens when you show up for yourself fully.
What Progress Activator can help you with
In short everything, yet I like to lean to certain topics, within them sky is not the limit. It’s a journey where we’re not just breaking barriers; we’re shattering them, unveiling the extraordinary YOU. Let’s take a closer look at the adventures that await:
- Picture this: you’re on a constant hamster wheel of self-doubt, always second-guessing your awesomeness. Now, imagine leaping off that wheel, soaring high above those limiting beliefs, and realizing your goals aren’t just within reach—they’re begging for your attention.
- Journey Beyond Limits: This isn’t just about breaking through barriers; it’s a cosmic leap into a realm where “not good enough” is a distant memory. You’re rewriting the story of your potential, where goals aren’t just achieved; they’re surpassed with style. It’s a journey into the limitless landscape of your capabilities.
- Your Victory Playlist: Imagine a soundtrack that echoes triumph over doubt. Your journey involves silencing the constant hum of inadequacy and cranking up the volume on your capabilities. It’s not just a journey; it’s a symphony of self-discovery where the crescendo is your extraordinary potential.
Emotions are like unexpected guests; all are welcome just for different amount time… What if we could reshape that emotional landscape, turning fear into fuel, conquering phobias, and boosting confidence so you can navigate life’s twists and turns like a fearless adventurer?
The Emotional Voyage: It’s not just about dealing with emotions; it’s a grand expedition into mastering them. Imagine transforming anxieties and fears into allies, phobias into stepping stones, and confidence issues into a source of power. Your journey is not just about emotional intelligence; it’s about emotional mastery.
Your Confidence Symphony: Envision a melody where confidence isn’t a fleeting note but a constant refrain. Your journey involves not just managing emotions but conducting them. It’s a transformative exploration where difficult emotions aren’t roadblocks; they’re signposts guiding you toward resilience and strength.
- Ever feel like you’re stuck in a financial Groundhog Day? What if we could rewrite that script, break free from toxic money stories, and empower you to ask for that promotion or launch that dream business? Imagine becoming the CEO of your destiny.
- The Financial Odyssey: It’s not just about managing money; it’s a thrilling odyssey into mastering it. Picture a journey where toxic money stories are discarded like old costumes, and you step into the role of the financial hero in your story.
- Your Financial Symphony: Envision a financial soundtrack where each note is a step toward abundance and success. Your journey involves not just balancing budgets but orchestrating financial success. It’s a transformative exploration where stress about money transforms into a dance of abundance.
- Ever wished you could turn your dreams into reality with a snap of your fingers? Picture a journey where you become the master of manifestation, transforming your desires into tangible achievements. It’s not just about setting goals; it’s about summoning them into existence with a touch of magic.
- The Manifestation Voyage: This isn’t just about visualizing; it’s an odyssey into manifesting your wildest dreams. Imagine a journey where your intentions are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of the universe, sprouting into the reality you’ve envisioned.
- Your Manifestation Symphony: Envision a manifestation soundtrack where each note is a step toward turning dreams into reality. Your journey involves not just dreaming but orchestrating a symphony of manifestation. It’s a transformative exploration where wishes aren’t just hopeful whispers; they’re powerful declarations.
- In a world that can feel like a stormy sea, imagine finding your own island of tranquility. Embark on a journey to discover inner peace, explore methods to achieve it, and become the zen-master of your own life—calm, centered, and resilient.
- The Peaceful Odyssey: It’s not just about seeking inner peace; it’s a serene odyssey into finding it. Picture a journey where storms of stress and chaos give way to the calm seas of tranquility. Your quest isn’t just about peace; it’s a narrative of finding serenity in the midst of life’s tempests.
- Your Peaceful Playlist: Envision a peaceful soundtrack where each melody is a step toward serenity. Your journey involves not just calming the storms but orchestrating a symphony of inner peace. It’s a transformative exploration where inner peace isn’t just a destination; it’s a way of life.
- Beyond the complexities of relationships lies the art of harmonizing your partnership symphony. Envision a dance where understanding, vulnerability, and love intertwine to create a harmonious melody. This isn’t just about being in a relationship; it’s about co-creating a narrative with a partner. Picture a journey where the connection goes beyond surface-level interactions—a story woven with shared dreams, mutual growth, and a deep, resonant bond. In this dance of partnership, each step contributes to the beautiful symphony of your shared existence.
- Now, let’s turn the spotlight to the ensemble of family and friends—a vibrant tapestry of relationships that shape the melody of your life. These bonds are not mere side characters; they are integral threads in the narrative of your existence. Imagine a journey where connections with family and friends transcend obligations and transform into sources of joy, understanding, and lifelong companionship. In this ensemble, each relationship contributes its unique note, creating a harmonious and enduring melody that accompanies you through the chapters of your life.
- Ever had those moments when your inner critic feels louder than a rock concert? Imagine quieting that noise, embracing the love you deserve, and discovering the magic in your uniqueness. It’s like trading a black-and-white world for a vibrant technicolor masterpiece where you’re the star.
- Picture This Journey: You’re not just addressing self-worth; you’re sculpting a new narrative. It’s about turning the volume down on self-criticism and amping up the self-love. It’s an exploration into the depths of your uniqueness, uncovering the gems buried beneath layers of doubt. Your transformation isn’t just a journey; it’s a blockbuster, and you’re the leading character.
- Your Next Chapter: Imagine flipping the script from unworthy to unstoppable. It’s not just about external affirmations; it’s an internal revolution where compliments and gifts are not just accepted but embraced with open arms. Your journey begins with acknowledging your worth; the rest is a captivating storyline waiting to unfold.
- There is always a reason why you cannot reach your goals, or show up are you want your “FUTURE SELF” to be (That dream, confident, achieved-it-all version)
- So prepare for your confidence booster
- How you are showing up, steams from how you see yourself, and what you belief about yourself.
- Lost in the humdrum of routine, yearning for a life that feels purposeful? Picture unraveling the threads of boredom, rediscovering your passions, and setting your heart’s desires as the North Star guiding your adventure.
- The Purpose Expedition: It’s not just about finding a purpose; it’s a thrilling expedition into discovering the compass that guides your life. Imagine a journey where every day isn’t just a routine but a purposeful step toward a life that aligns with your deepest desires.
- Your Purposeful Playlist: Envision a playlist where each track resonates with passion and purpose. Your journey involves not just stumbling upon your purpose but dancing to its rhythm. It’s a transformative exploration where boredom is transformed into excitement, and every step feels like a purposeful dance move.
- Embark on the inaugural chapter of your transformative odyssey—an exquisite dance of self-discovery that transcends the surface. This transcendent journey goes beyond the cliché of self-love; it is an intricate exploration, a pilgrimage into the depths of your essence. Envision becoming the master architect of a profound connection with every nuance of your being. Picture not just embracing your strengths but forging an authentic alliance with your quirks and vulnerabilities. In this transformative ballet, you don’t merely embrace self-love; you elevate it to a symphony of self-connection—a melodic tapestry where authenticity, trust, and the vibrant notes of your true self harmonize.
- Health hiccups and the elusive dream body—a tale many know. Envision a journey where allergies retreat, injuries heal, and you sculpt the body you’ve been dreaming of—a body that radiates health and vitality.
- The Wellness Saga: It’s not just about managing health; it’s an epic saga of wellness. Picture a journey where allergies are conquered like dragons, injuries heal like magic spells, and your dream body becomes a reality. Your journey isn’t just about health; it’s a narrative of vitality and well-being.
- Your Wellness Symphony: Imagine a wellness soundtrack where each note is a step toward a healthier, vibrant you. Your journey involves not just addressing health issues but orchestrating a symphony of well-being. It’s a transformative exploration where health challenges become stepping stones to a life of vitality.
- Victory on the field is a dream for many. Picture fine-tuning your sports performance, setting and demolishing goals, and celebrating triumphs like a true champion. It’s not just about winning; it’s about becoming the athlete you’ve always envisioned.
- The Sports Odyssey: It’s not just about playing sports; it’s an odyssey into mastering them. Imagine a journey where sports aren’t just a physical activity but a canvas where you paint victories. Your journey involves not just scoring goals but orchestrating a symphony of athletic prowess.
- Your Sports Symphony: Envision a sports soundtrack where each cheer is a note of triumph. Your journey involves not just playing sports but conducting a symphony of athletic excellence. It’s a transformative exploration where the field isn’t just a battleground; it’s a stage where your sports story unfolds.
- Creativity, the elusive muse that sometimes takes an unscheduled vacation. Now, imagine reigniting that spark, breaking through creative blocks, and having your ideas flow like a river of inspiration. Creativity isn’t a luxury; it’s your birthright.
- The Creative Symphony: It’s not just about nurturing creativity; it’s a symphony of creative expression. Picture a journey where creative blocks are demolished like walls, and your ideas flow like a mighty river. Your journey isn’t just about finding creativity; it’s about dancing to the rhythm of your creative heartbeat.
- Your Creative Playlist: Envision a creative soundtrack where each tune is a step toward artistic brilliance. Your journey involves not just overcoming creative blocks but orchestrating a symphony of creative masterpieces. It’s a transformative exploration where creativity isn’t just a spark; it’s a blazing fire.
Research conducted at Stanford University found that individuals who underwent hypnotherapy for changing beliefs and behaviors showed measurable changes in brain structure and function, indicating that the brain had undergone neuroplastic changes.
A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that hypnotherapy was effective in producing significant changes in behavior, beliefs, and emotions, with the effects lasting over time.
According to a study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD, by facilitating neuroplastic changes in the brain.
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