Let’s talk about me

Hi! I am Karolina Aleksandra

and I am not conventional hypno-therapist. To be fair I have engineer degree

I have a unique perspective that allows me to approach my work in a effective, systematic and analytical way, while still remaining open and compassionate towards my clients. I understand that everyone is different, and that’s why I use a variety of approaches. My mission is to help you overcome your limiting beliefs, achieve your goals, and live the life you truly deserve.

You can have life where you feel confident and empowered to pursue your dreams and create the future you deserve.

You are worth it!

What was my biggest lesson? Taking radical responsibility for your own happiness and life. Still learning. It’s a big one, because it’s include building from scratch my non-existing self-worth, getting my power back and putting myself on the driving sit of my life, kerning to recognize and respect my own needs, decisions and direction in life, no matter what or whom would oppose it.

I was extreme people pleaser, I couldn’t say no, I constantly allow people to bridge my boundaries becasue I didn’t know my needs or my worth, I didn’t see value in my self, my achievements and my life: so I was constantly doing “something more” , so I finished my official education as Master and engineer, that did “thousands” of courses, and was scared to show up. So I self-sabotage myself. I constantly didn’t have time, like my life would be passing next to me. I was shining example of FOMO and next big shining thing, starting a lot and not finishing. I didn’t allow myself space and time to develop my passions. To be honest nothing was really making me happy. Sens of obligation took over long time before and I didnt know how to make myself happy. I was using all the tips and advices, trying to do new thing, but nothing rich deep down. I had smile on my face, especially when they were people around. Inside I thought I was somehow broken. With time I had much more anxiety and much less money. Money were always generating so much anxiety! So when I decided I am not happy with bein engineer and moved on the business and marketing side completely it became very visible. I had amazing knowledge, sometime bigger than people working in the field I could advice my friends and people for free and they loved it. Yet when it comes to make business out of it, I couldn’t. There was something holding me back. I didn’t know even what, it seem so much of it. I was there for everybody else, but I didn’t allow myself to lean in and receive support as well.

You know the saying you can worry yourself. I did it, repetitively. Biggest struggle was the allergy (and it’s how I came to know hypnotherapy) and excessive hair fall that started to be very visible.

And from one thing to the other, here we go. I am happy to inform I regrow my hair! And solved lot of other issues.

I unlocked so much in myself! I show up for myself and for my business, daily. I rebuild my relationship with myself. Took my life into my hands, stopped asking other people what should I do and asking myself. I gain massive agency over my life. I do feel I have Power, and stopped hiding. I wake up happy, finally feeling so much more good emotions’ than anxiety! That’s such huge win for me. We take feeling happiness for granted, that’s not the case. I am happy to be happy to do things happy.

And soooooooo much more! Guys I am 30+ there is a lot to write. As I said, on going process.

Hear From

My Clients

Every session is unique, because I treat every of my client as an unique individual they are.
To help my clients achieve best results I customize my tools to the person I am working with.

The Belief Coding session with Karolina was very interesting, we were able to dig deep into my unconscious beliefs and Karolina was very skillfully guiding me in the right direction. Her great listening skills and kind demeanor helped me stay open and peaceful throughout the session. I feel like this one session was able to cover a large theme and I feel a lot more free in who I am ever since and procrastination is not an issue anymore for me.

Kasia B.


Karolina artfully, and intelligently uncovered the deeper discomfort and belief I ad beneath the surface level and helped me work through an inherited trapped emotion from a previous generation. She actively listened to me and although there were times the memory was painful; I felt safe with her guiding me. In less than 24 hours I noticed the previous trigger was gone and my response was entirely different. I can’t thank Karolina enough and highly recommend a Belief Coding® session with her!

Lisa R.


Had a session last Monday from Karolina A. W. Ryżewska on my addiction to chocolate. I was gorging easily on 1000 calories a day in chocolate. I didn’t want to fully give it up, just be satisfied with one bar or a little bit and not gorge every piece in sight. 🍫 Since the session a week past on Monday I have had half a dozen wee celebrations and a small bar. This is less than I was eating daily! Amazing! She was patient and knows her stuff! Thank you so much.

JulieAnn R.


Karolina holds gentle, calm, healing space. She has an intuitive gift for healing. what you are not saying about your negative beliefs and transmuting that into new, positive beliefs. The energy in this session with Karolina was unworldly and I continued to feel the healing connection far after the session ended.

Carissa F.


Since working on Belief Coding with Karolina my life with my children and partner has been amazing. I’m more in the present moment and life seems a lot smoother. I feel great and now I ‘m looking forward to much more fun with my family. You’re so professional and so understanding and a lovely person thanks again Karolina

Becky M.


A couple of weeks ago Karolina A. W. Ryżewska facilitated me for my first Belief Coding ®️session and it was a beautiful experience for me. Her confidence, skill and care helped me to release the trapped emotion of terror. My body was shaking, trembling with terror during the human compass and we hadn’t even started.

My discomfort I thought was fear of getting it wrong, making a mistake doing facilitations but it transpired that I had terror of the unknown, of new situations. It steamed from my birth and I brought in my beautiful Angel friend who died 10 years ago today to comfort and reassure me that I was going to be ok. My Mum who died eight years ago and my birth Mum whom I have never met all held and reassured me. It was wonderful to feel these people and their love again.

I was disappointed and frustrated with myself in the session initially as only shapes and colours came but it didn’t phase Karolina at all. She reassured me all was as it should be, and we went with whatever arose.

I have been facilitating with ease since the session. Thank you, Karolina, for holding me with such compassion and for teaching me so much through your skill and confidence.

Niamah G.



I am using fast and efficient methods that allow you to access the subconscious mind and identify and eliminate the root cause of your issues. Rather than just addressing the symptoms of your problems, these kind of approach enables you to make profound and lasting changes to your beliefs, behaviors, emotions in two worlds to YOUR LIFE.

WHat is RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy