How to prepare for the session page
After booking a session you will receive the email with confirmation.
It contains all the important info:
time, date and link to the Google Meeting where we will meet.
Mail address of sender: [email protected] or [email protected]
Make sure your device is plugged-in and charging.
🎥 Check before session if Video/Camera and Audio on the device you will be using is working properly. Here is how YouTube video [click here].
💻 Best to place your device in a way we will be able to see each other (like on any other video call), and your hands will be free (you will not be holding your device during the session). If you use tablet/phone that’s totally ok, just place it in your phone stand or even self made construction from books that will support it.
Have a peaceful place to sit alone without distractions, where no one will bother you during the session and you will feel comfortable to speak whitherever will flow.
You will sit most of the session, but I will ask you to stand up once or twice to perform kinesiology test. You don’t need lot of space for it. Organize your space in way it will be convenient to you to stand up when needed (I still will need to see at least your “upper-half of the body” to navigate you through kinesiology test)
🫗 Come hydrated, in hour before session have at least 2 glasses of water. You don’t need to drink it all at once you can start one or two hours earlier and sip it. Take next glass of water with you to the session.
Your body is composed of 60 to 70% water and your brain and heart 73%. Yes, water really matters 😉
Picking up session on your headset will bring you better experience, it’s optional. Nerveless, just in case have working Headset prepared anyway. Live happens and we may need it.
🧻and of course, have some tissues. Even if you are not big crier it may be useful.
Start to play and test Your kinesiology test
It is optional, yet will speed up session tremendously when we will be able to fully focus on the issue.
Check up the theory and then test it on yourself:
1. Check how your body sway for a YES, and for a NO
2. Test it on simple questions that you know the answer for (like your name, fake name or age)
3. When you get some practice there is no limit, this tool can provide you will all the answers about your mind and health.
It can help you to make decisions, if you overthink or cannot decide.
4. If there is something that do not work you can send me a message AND google it, check youtube. Gathering information by yourself, being active in your own journey is wonderfully empowering.
Here is a link to the video explaining Kinesiology test:
client information: before the session
😉 Remember to drink water at least 2large glasses and come prepared with a glass too.
🗣️It’s not traditional talk therapy, don’t worry about telling me ALL, or thinking “if you will forget something it will not work”. It will work, and I will tell you why: what you think consciously often is not where real root cause is. Information we get from subconcious are most important. So relax and let go of where you think or feel everything has came from. It’ll come up in right time you will see.
💬Be open and honest with me. If you dont feel comfortable to say something on any point of the session. That’s ok, just say you would prefer not to share it. You don’t need to cover it, or be ashamed. I want to cultivate with you safe space and respect from both sides. I am here to help you, not to judge you.
🧠All subconcious programing practices’ as Belief Coding, Belief Coding with Mind Navigation, RTT are different from other therapeutical approaches, so it needs different approach from You as well.
Whatever comes up in the session, know that is meant to come up. Even if you think is unassociated. There can be many reasons to it.
Being very blunt with you, if you knew consciously all behind that issue, you would not be reading this text. If it all worked as you think, you would have it fixed by now. So let’s get curious and dig deeper into it.
I always stand on position that your mind holds all the answers, we just need to get to them.
HOw to choose the issue to work?
We will work through one specific discomfort at a time. So whatever you will choose I would like you to start specifying it, we will do it on session as well, so just let your mind to work on that “on the backburner”.
Let’s say you would like to improve your confidence.
Ok so confidence is super brought topic and affect many areas of life. Not all of it, has same root cause.
Instead, start to think right here in your life where would you want to be most confident?
Maybe it will be negotiating raise with your Boss, or talking with your partner about troubling you stuff.
If you have it just let it go. Your mind still will be working on it, “on the backburner”.
You may come to the session completely not knowing where to start or what you want to work on. That’s totally ok too.
After the session
Fast forward, You are after the session. What to expect?
First of all After care is same important so take rest of the day easy.
🫗Drink plenty of water
⚡The emotions you have suppressed can also start to surface after the session. So you make feel more flat, angry, sad… Whatever you feel allow yourself to process those feelings. They will pass.
💤Sometimes when You release something big, or something you have held onto for a long time, You can feel really tired and drained up to even few days after session. As unpleasant it may be at that time, it’s really good sign that you are changing.
🪶Usually when we clear one things, we end up clearing other blockages. Take notes of when you do something different, and feel different in situations that use to bother daily (your mind first need to get use to looking for changes, so do not be surprise on the beginning. That’s reprograming a habit as well, if you tent to look bad things before)
🔥 When to expect change? As we tested the beliefs are coded in. It works immediately. Especially if you worked on something body related, it can take few days to catch up (up to 7days)