PROGRESS ACTIVATOR Group Belief Coding Master experience Disclaimer Welcome to this empowering group healing session / masterclass / course By attending this course you understand and agree to, that you are responsible for your own mental health and well being. I want to emphasize that while I am here to support you, I am not a substitute for a Doctor or Psychotherapist, and it is crucial that you are aware that you are responsible for your own mental well-being. If you have any pre-existing mental health concerns, it's important to note that Karolina Aleksandra Ryżewska / PROGRESS ACTIVATOR is not liable for your mental health or well-being, and if you have pre-existing concerns, it is your responsibility to consult with a qualified professional alongside. Throughout this session / masterclass / course, I invite you to recognize the power within you. You are in control of your experience, and your openness and participation is a vital part of your healing journey. You have to be willing to feel and heal. As we progress, listen to your body and emotions. If any discomfort arises, know that you have the power to communicate it, shaping this session to align with your comfort and growth. Your subconscious will provide information that you are ready to receive and heal from. It is important to note, no one, including you, can force your subconscious to give you information that you are not ready to receive. You subconscious is there to protect you and keep you safe. However, sometimes things we are not expecting can arise, if you think this may happen, please ensure you have a support system in place or you feel confident in being able to support yourself emotionally and mentally outside our sessions. The power of Belief Coding and hypnotherapy has the ability to transform your life, if you are open to it. Thank you for stepping into your power today and I am excited to be guiding you through the next day / days / weeks / months. First Name *This field is required. Last Name *This field is required. Email *This field is required. I have read the above *This field is required.I agree and acknoledge that I am responsible for my own health and mental well- being and the course creator is not liable for my health, emptional state or mental well-being *This field is required.This field is required. I consent to Progress Activator storing my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry *Please provide consent.Please provide consent. Confirm